Friday, November 4, 2011

Maestro L'essenza di mostre fiere e Successo Experience

Fiere sono un ottimo modo per evidenziare nuovi prodotti e di raggiungere una vasta maggioranza di persone in un breve lasso di tempo. E 'il forum giusto per soddisfare i clienti nuovi media e dimensioni fino alla concorrenza. Che tu sia un principiante o un veterano a mostre fiere, è importante mantenere un paio di strategie di marketing a mente che vi aiuterà a sperimentare il successo a mostre.

• Qual è il motivo di esporre a una fiera
• Chiis the target audience
• How do you attract new customers
• How do you turn interest into actual sales

There are many reasons why companies participate in exhibits. It could be to launch a new product, introduce a breakthrough innovation, introduce changes to the company profile like a new acquisition or merger etc. It could be to simply sell more products by reaching new customers in person, study your competition, meet with the press, and get some mileage in the print and television media. After you are clear about your objectives for participation, you must then ensure that your trade show exhibits reflect your marketing strategies and be able to achieve the goals you have set for your company.

Maestro L'essenza di mostre fiere e Successo Experience

All exhibits have serious visitors or those who are just there to pass time and get a few freebies. It is very important to separate the two and know the target audience you need to reach. For this, you must have an experienced team in place who can give an informative presentation that will lead to good enquiries. Just having people who are aggressive marketers without having much knowledge is not a good idea. For example, if you are selling software products, ensure you have a couple of software engineers who can explain the product and its uses to fellow software engineers.

Apart from being able to interact with truly serious customers, they will also be able to distinguish between those who are serious and not and therefore not waste time. The best way to attract customers to your trade show booth rental is to make the booth as innovative and interesting as you possibly can. There are so many new display technologies that can be used to draw attention to your booth. These include laser displays, 3D visuals, a large interactive TV screen, holographic displays and more. This is where it is better to use a booth rental and order these items with a local supplier.

It is very difficult to transport all kinds of booth displays and set them up. Instead, it is easier to opt for a booth rental supplier who will have all the necessary items to make the display a success. You can also have overhanging signs that will grab people's attention. The overhead sign can be a string of colored 'gobo' lights that travel up and down a tension fabric. This constantly changing color looks mesmerizing and will surely be the center of attention at an exhibit.

Take advantage of the expertise of suppliers of exhibit rentals. You can even sound the supplier as to what attracts the attention of people in that particular city. Of course, a sure fire way to attract people is by giving away gifts. This could be simple and inexpensive stationery items or more expensive chocolates. It is important to display the company logo and contact information prominently on the giveaways so that interested customers can easily get in touch with you.

Even before the exhibit starts, you can identify some potential customers - like other companies who may be interested in your products or services. Now, you can send them email alerts and pre-mailers that will give them an idea as to when the exhibit will be held and the timings, so that they will be able to visit. The final exhibit marketing strategy that you should use is to be able to follow up on leads so that they can be converted into tangible sales.

For this, you need qualified personnel who will be able to identify viable client and weed out the ones who will not be interested in your products. First, they must get details of customers name and contact address. Then using simple spreadsheets, they can classify people based on good prospective customers, not so good and poor prospects. Now, use sales people to follow up on the first and second categories. A well-planned strategy can ensure you maximize your sales and get good return on your exhibit investment.

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