Sunday, January 29, 2012

Videotaping Your Trade Show Display: A New Way To Promote Your Marketing Message

Showcasing your company's product or service at a marketing expo is a great way to gain new customers and increase your brand awareness. Unfortunately, these shows generally last only a few days, providing a short window of opportunity to capture the attention of potential customers. But what if the benefits of your trade show booth could be extended year-round? By videotaping your exhibits, you can utilize them to communicate your marketing message all year long! Through your company's website, and social media outlets, potential customers can have immediate access to your trade show display any time. So exactly how can a video of your exhibit prove beneficial to your overall marketing campaign and goals? With the growing popularity of social media and smartphones, videos can be used in a myriad of different ways to capture the attention of your target market.

Share Your Exhibit Video With Attendees And Other Leads

When it comes to following up with leads obtained during marketing events, snail mail or lengthy e-mails are no longer the standard. Many companies find it more successful to send out a brief follow-up message through social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. And what better opportunity to share your trade show booth video? This is a perfect way to remind attendees of your product after the show has concluded. It can even provide the chance for you to clear up any confusion attendees may have initially had regarding your brand. After all, it sometimes takes repeat exposure to a brand for the customer to truly grasp your marketing message. Even better, you can also share the video with individuals who were unable to attend the event, but may be interested in your product.

Videotaping Your Trade Show Display: A New Way To Promote Your Marketing Message

Use Video To Enhance Your Website And Attract New Customers

In today's fast-paced society, most customers would rather view a short video containing a firsthand account of your product, than read a lengthy advertorial or brochure. Creating a promotional video using footage from your latest trade show displays and marketing exhibits is a great way to reach a whole new world of prospective customers. If budget permits, consider hiring a professional to transform your raw event footage into a spectacular promotional tool. The clip could be posted on your company's main website, where interested consumers could be quickly directed to it. If the response is overwhelmingly positive, you could even play it during important business meetings and other marketing events - the perfect way to take advantage of your display all year long!

Analyze Footage To Learn How You Can Improve Future Trade Show Displays

Perhaps the biggest advantage of videotaping your trade show display is that it offers a new way to evaluate your overall experience from the eyes of the attendees. Footage of your exhibit can be invaluable in determining what works and what doesn't - so you don't repeat the same mistakes year after year. Perhaps your display setup was difficult for attendees to navigate, or your color scheme didn't mesh well with your logo. Sometimes it's hard to notice such things when you're busy interacting with customers and rushing from one task to the next. Video allows you to closely scrutinize each detail, so you can create an even more amazing trade show booth next time!

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