Saturday, March 3, 2012

Trade Show Display Rentals And More: Money Saving Trade Show Booth Ideas For A Tough Economy

You don't need shiny, new portable displays to have a positive experience at your next convention. Exhibition success is all about maximizing the return on your investment, not just purchasing the latest and greatest style. Rentals, updates to old units, and inexpensive portable displays are all great trade show booth ideas that can save companies a lot of money. Whether your company is trying to tighten up the budget, or you'd just prefer to be saving your funds for other things, these techniques have proven to be very successful.

Trade Show Display Rentals

This option is friendly to the environment and kind to your wallet. Instead of spending the money to purchase a modular booth, you simply rent one from a local company. You won't have to worry about the cost and hassle of shipping, and you won't need to store the booth once the convention is over. The main drawback to a trade show booth rental is that you may not always be able to customize it as much as you might like. There may be restrictions and limitations to the changes you can make, and certain features and additions may cost extra. However, that doesn't stop trade show display rentals from being a very viable money saver, but it does mean you want to think twice and ask questions before entering into a rental agreement.

Trade Show Display Rentals And More: Money Saving Trade Show Booth Ideas For A Tough Economy

Recycle Your Old Portable Displays

Growing tired of an old exhibit is normal, but it doesn't mean that you must discard or replace the old unit. Instead, you can breathe new life into the booth by using it in a new way. Try revamping the exhibit surface with a new color scheme, new text, and new photographs. Depending on the style of portable displays you bought, that process may be surprisingly inexpensive. The most costly element of a booth is usually its framework, as that must be crafted of a durable material like metal or an alloy. If the only thing you're changing is the exterior, prices tend to drop. Not every booth can be redone, but when it's a viable option, the results are often astonishing.

New Trade Show Booth Ideas

If you can't redo an exhibit and you don't want to try a rental, you might want to consider purchasing a small addition to your current setup. One of the most common trade show booth ideas that can spice up a tired unit is a banner stand. Banner stands are very inexpensive, typically a few hundred dollars for a very large surface. In addition, they are usually easy to re-customize, making them a good investment for the next time you have new trade show booth ideas. Place them in and around your old unit, and they'll make it look new again simply with their presence. Banner stands are also an efficient way to communicate an update about a product without having to completely redo a newer trade show booth. Ideas for using a banner stand in this way are numerous. You could use a large one and place it prominently inside the exhibit, playing on the three dimensional juxtaposition between the stand and the exhibit behind it. You could also choose a smaller unit that would blend in with what's around it.

Whatever you choose, ensure that it gives your portable displays the spark you're looking for. Saving money only works if you spend less and still get a favorable result - ideas that don't pan out aren't money savers at all. Make a plan for how to update your unit, stick with it, and you'll see a great return on your investment.

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