Sunday, March 11, 2012

What Makes a Good Tradeshow Exhibit?

When a business decides to participate in trade shows, the focus turn to the display. While a component, the trade show display gets too much attention and distracts from what it is important. The following are some important components that make up a good tradeshow exhibit.

Display. A pretty and glitzy display is nice, be sure that it says two things- the company name and what the company does. Better yet, rather than what the business does, the display should show how the business will solve an exhibit attendee's problem. Don't try to sell the attendees with a display, they will only glance at it anyway. Even if they stare and read it, the will forget it in seconds. They were probably just trying to not make eye contact anyway.

Staffing. A booth should be well staffed. The best thing to do is make sure the staff is well rested. Frequent breaks and shift changes would keep everyone rested. Other than that, they should be focused on bringing people in and engaging them. They should not be grouped together talking amongst themselves, but easily engaging a passerby to come in. One tip- no one likes to enter an empty booth, so having some one who looks like an exhibit attendee and not an exhibitor talking with a staff member will help.

What Makes a Good Tradeshow Exhibit?

Action. People want to come to your booth and be engaged, that is why they are there. But they need a reason to overcome their fear of speaking to someone they do not know and suspect is out to get them. This can be done by offering a premium to come visit or a drawing of some kind. Be sure that any attraction is not the end result but all staff are clear that it is to engage people once they are there.

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