Monday, April 30, 2012

Craft Show Display Tips - 5 Tips For Creating a Great Craft Show Display

When you are selling crafts at a show, your craft show display can play a big role in your success. A good craft show display brings customers in off the aisles and shows your products in their best possible light.

These 5 tips will help you create an effective craft show display.

1. Your Display Should Fit with the Style of Your Products

Craft Show Display Tips - 5 Tips For Creating a Great Craft Show Display

If your products are sleek and modern and you display them on rustic, country-style shelves, you will confuse your customers and not show your products in their best possible light. Be sure to consider the style of your work and create a craft show booth that is an extension of that style.

2. Good Lighting is Crucial

The importance of good lighting in not always obvious when you're first creating a craft show booth, so it often becomes the first thing to go when cutting cost on your display booth. Good lighting is crucial to bring customers into your booth and can make a big impact on your sales. If you're not convinced about the importance of good booth lighting, walk through a few craft shows and take a look at the lighting in the booths. Compare the booths with and without good lighting and see the difference for yourself.

3. Plan Your Space Wisely

Typically you will be limited to a 10x10 space at craft shows, so you'll want to plan your space well. Be aware of common elements of booth design that tend to waste space. Wide tables, for example can quickly use up limited space and are not particularly functional as it is difficult for customers to reach the backs of wide tables.

4. Consider How Your Customers Will Interact with the Space

Approach your booth as a customer and consider how people will interact with your booth. For example, the intricate display you create may backfire on you because customers won't pick up your items; they won't want to ruin your lovely display. Similarly, any sparkly, brightly colored items you display at kids' eye level will attract kids. This is great if you want to attract kids, not so great if you want little fingers to stay away from fragile items.

5. Have a Plan to Bring Customers off the Aisles

Take an honest look at your booth and ask yourself what, if anything, would compel you to come into the booth if you were a customer. It may be a solid swath of vivid color that catches a customer's attention, a large and exceptional piece of your work or, if you make smaller items, a large photograph of your products or of you at work in your studio.

Don't underestimate the importance of creating a great craft show booth. An effective booth can have a big, positive impact on your success at shows.

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